Pour la 1ère séance 2019 du  groupe de travail ARC (Actuariat et Risques Contemporains)  nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Elena Di Bernadino  

 vendredi 18  Janvier en salle 209,  couloir 16-26, 2er étage,   à Jussieu, de  14h à 15h



                                 Elena DI BERNADINO (Le Cnam)

« Estimation of the Multivariate Conditional-Tail-Expectation for extreme risk levels: illustration on a environmental data-set​ »


Abstract: This talk  deals with the problem of estimating the multivariate version of the conditional tail expectation introduced in the recent literature. We propose a new semiparametric estimator for this risk measure, essentially based on statistical extrapolation techniques, well designed for extreme risk lev els. We prove a central limit theorem for the obtained estimator. We illustrate the practical properties of our estimator on simulations. The performances of our new estimator are discussed and compared with the ones of the empirical Kendall’s process‐based estimator, previously proposed by the authors. We conclude with two applications on real data sets: rainfall measurements recorded at three stations located in the south of Paris (France) and the analysis of strong wind gusts in the northwest of France.  This is a  joint work with Clémentine Prieur. 

Vous retrouverez toutes les annonces et les activités du groupe de travail ARC sur la page web :



  • Actuariat et Risques Contemporains


Actuariat et Risques Contemporains 4 place Jussieu, Paris, 75005 France